Seven Questions to ask before hiring a digital marketing agency

What services do you offer?
When a company is searching for a digital marketing Dallas TX to handle their overall digital marketing strategy, there will be a significant difference between one company over another.
There will be companies who only offer paid posts and no organic strategies; on the other hand, there will be companies who can offer you a plethora of options. Yup, we are that company.
Dallas Media Group offers the following Digital Marketing services to all clients:
- Social Media Management
- Pay-Per-Click
- Email Marketing
- Monstrous.Digital
This gives clients and companies a larger selection on what options the experts at Dallas Media Group would recommend for your digital marketing strategy.
What is your process?
There is an extensive process when it comes to digital marketing. Now, we can’t explain all of it on this blog, but this is the basics of our process.
A client/s would come for a Content Strategy Guide (CSG). This allows for the company and digital marketers to get a better understanding of your company, allowing you to review our content curation and calendar system, review how our experts will handle keyword research for content and blogs, explain what platforms we will be using and so much more!
Once we create or unify the existing social media platforms, our marketers will send out a content calendar that is always one week ahead.. The person who is reviewing the strategy has a day to review the grid and send over any comments and feedback. Our marketers will make these changes and send the content back over for another approval process. Once it is finalized, our marketers will schedule the content. It will be automated and monitored for reporting purposes in our OWN scheduling platform.
What is the process of client communication?
As Jim Rohn said, “If you just communicate, you can get by. But if you communicate skillfully, you can work miracles.”
As a company who is using our services for your digital marketing Dallas TX services, we understand that communication is key to success. It is important to understand who is the main point of contact for each concern that you brought up during the meeting. A company that only communicates through emails when your company prefers face-to-face or company calls will not be effective communication.
On a weekly basis, our digital marketers will communicate with you regarding questions, concerns, social media and blogs ideas and sending out the content calendar. We tell all clients to come in whenever they feel it is necessary.
During the beginning stages, clients often come in once a week to review the content and get other questions and concerns answered. As the trust is formed, the weekly meetings turn into conference calls for a quick update to even monthly meetings. The in-between emails will continue to happen
Our marketers, Project Coordinator or Business Manager can sit down or meet you for a coffee at any moment necessary. You tell us when and where and we will make a spot for you!
How do you set KPIs?
Ah, Key Performance Indicators, KPIs are one of the most common concerns our marketers hear about during meetings. These measurable goals are critical to demonstrate the overall ROI for this digital marketing campaign.
This is where we will start to ask questions after questions, after questions until you are tired of answering them. Why is this? A clear and concise understanding of what KPIs should be set in place are critical. In terms of developing an overall strategy for this means our experts need to understand your overall goals for digital marketing strategies.
It could be to generate more revenue by this percentage in the next year to simply gaining X amount of followers and better brand awareness. No matter the KPIs, our digital marketing Dallas TX experts need to understand these KPIs to provide the best ROIs at the end of the day.
How do you track and measure ROI?
Why does any company invest in other products or services? For the overall Return of Investment (ROI). Now, ROI in the marketing world can be quite different than the traditional, you buy an ad for X amount to play for 15 seconds which can reach X amount of people.
This type of notion can be applied to digital marketing efforts, specifically social media marketing efforts. This would be impressions and reach with social media marketing.
However, dependent upon the main KPIs set in place, this will depend on the ROIs and how these can be tracked and measured.
Our experts can make sure that all Google Analytics Conversion and Goal Setting is in place. This will trigger when consumers move through the website and trigger the goal.
Here is the ringer, we CANNOT set up trackable and measurable goals without having an ROI in place from YOU. Tell US what YOUR COMPANY considers as ROI.
How long will it take to see results?
There are two different ways that our company can answer this- social media marketing and SEO.
Social Media
First, the social media marketing side. Growing a social media presence from nothing takes an extensive time and a considerable amount of work. It takes about seven times until your brand is recognized by a consumer. From there, it can take up to 15 times before they start to come back to your platforms.
Often times, companies ask if they can buy followers. No, no, no. Yes, 20,000 followers would get your company out there,but it has its downfalls.
You can buy 500 followers for six dollars or 1,000 for 10 dollars. The issue with this? Instagram is the perfect example. Your posts will show up in feeds more often with more engagement that is happening. The more people who are commenting, regraming and liking the post increases your chance in the Instagram Algorithms. The amount of followers don’t matter and Instagram could honestly care less.
Furthermore, Instagram purges followers every so often so you spend 10 dollars on fake followers or spend 10 dollars on a PPC ad that tracks and shows conversions? It is an easy decision.
Slow and steady wins the race with organic SEO strategies. Yes, there is a difference between organic and paid strategies.
The SEO Guru himself states, “My philosophy in business and marketing is to choose long term gains over short term wins. Too often, the short term wins end up costing you in the long term.” Neil, we could not agree more. This is exactly what we tell all companies searching for a digital marketing Dallas TX company to handle SEO strategies. We tell clients it can take six to nine months to start noticing organic keywords that the website is ranking for and backlinking strategies to grow the website’s reputation.
So, when you ask this to a competitor, and they say overnight or under a month- RUN! This is black-hat SEO which only causes more issues.
What makes you different?
What makes Dallas Media Group different than others in the industry? As a creative management firm we handle projects for the long-term. We do not help you launch a website and just leave you to figure it out. We consider all of our clients part of our Monstrous family. We are here tonight, tomorrow and after the duration of your contract to make sure everything is on brand and represents your company correctly.
We have weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual meetings with companies internal marketing teams, decision-makers and even boards. We have conference calls, keep in constant communication with you (even if you don’t answer back) and will always provide the best work.
See for yourself what we are all about! Fill out the form below for more information on Digital Marketing, Email Marketing or even Website Design and Development!
Searching for a Digital Marketing Agency in Dallas?
Give us a call for more information on any of our services or to ask these seven questions!
Call us now!Posted In: Social Media and Digital Marketing, Client Resources