Online marketing for flooring companies

The flooring industry is a massive industry ranging from carpet to tile to carpet cleaning and cleaning products. It is an industry filled with competition while also being a more niche market. One of the biggest issues a flooring company can face is not bringing in more customers digitally.
The first step in the digital strategy to help grow website traffic, leads and sales are to ensure that your flooring company’s website is up-to-date.
This is because your website should be the centralized hub where all consumers and sales come to. All products and services can be sold through your eCommerce website or simply build credibility that helps to increase brand awareness over time.
Once the flooring is laid, it is time to add the protective coat that helps to keep the flooring strong for years to come. When our experts speak about this bad analogy is adding online marketing efforts from an online marketing Dallas expert.
Social media marketing
Social media marketing is a great online marketing strategy both organically and paid based on its usage from B2B and B2C marketing efforts. One of the biggest social media platforms is Facebook with Instagram following shortly behind.
For a flooring company selling to other commercial and industrial companies, a LinkedIn company page would be beneficial because that is where the decision-makers are located within their companies.
A great social media platform for carpet cleaning companies is TikTok or even videos on social platforms known as “satisfying videos”. These are videos that take a dirty carpet or flooring, and as it is being cleaned, show the vast differences between the before and after as it is in progress.
Social media marketing can be utilized to bring in the right leads and sales through using the right platforms based on who your target audience is, but it is imperative to have. So much so that 54 percent of social media users research products on various platforms.
Where else can these benefits be found? On search engines of course.
Search engine optimization (SEO)
SEO is the process of organically ranking in various search engines over the lifetime of the website. Whether it be a hyper-focused local strategy or a combination of local and national, SEO is another important aspect of the entire strategy our internet marketing Dallas experts implement.
The first place that consumers head to for their research or purchasing their products is the internet. When a consumer searches for “carpet near me” or “carpet in X (city)” the results that populate are based on a number of factors such as credibility, backlinking, optimized content, and even more.
Email marketing
Email marketing might seem like a more traditional marketing approach, but in all reality, it is one of the best ways to track and bring in lead generation. Email marketing has one of the highest ROIs out of internet marketing efforts.
This helps to connect with consumers on a more personal level and continue to build brand recognition at the same time. All those emails that have been compiled over the years are the best place to start!
Have fun with email marketing with newsletters, promotions, monthly updates, industry news, and other aspects!
Those are the three strategies that our Internet marketing Dallas experts suggest for all flooring companies. To get your website started and continue with these three strategies, contact us today! We can help you throughout the entire process.
To get your website started and continue with these three strategies,
Contact us today!
We can help you throughout the entire process.