Local SEO: Why local SEO is so important for your business

What is local SEO?
Well, what is SEO itself? Search engine optimization is the process of ranking for organic search query results in search engines such as Google. If we take this into consideration, then local SEO is simply the process of on-page and off-page optimization that helps businesses to rank organically in search query results that are specific to a region.
Local SEO is how companies can find their local audience and bring them to their storefront or continue to grow their business.
Local SEO has risen in popularity over the last four years, and while this was always a popular notion of SEO, it came more naturally for companies. However, as competition continues to expand with fellow local companies and businesses implementing SEO strategies in their marketing budgets, it is important to understand why local SEO is so important to your business.
Why local SEO is so important to your business
Four out of five consumers search for a local business in their initial stage of their customer journey.
Local SEO is practiced by companies and small businesses whose audience is in their geographic area. A homeowner who is searching for a plumber will more than likely type in “Plumbers near me” or plumbers in East Dallas”.
These search queries will populate results based on a local SEO algorithm set in place by said search engine. The results that populate are based on relevance, distance and prominence.
Ever notice how when you are in different areas of your city that different but kind of similar search results will populate for local search queries? This is because Google takes into consideration the location you are currently in. If a search query from a homeowner is about that plumber, any queries in a neighboring city would be pointless and useless for the said homeowner, and vice versa for those in the neighboring city.
For companies who thrive through their brick and mortar storefront, contactless pickup or local clientele, it is an essential business strategy to implement local SEO strategies from a local Dallas SEO consultant from Dallas Media Group!
Why local SEO is so important to your business during COVID-19
While in-store foot traffic is currently on pause or has drastically decreased due to the pandemic, it is important for businesses to continue to thrive and sell their products and/ or services.
As e-commerce continues to rise in popularity between small to large businesses, for those who sell products to their city or region, this is how your business will continue to grow and sustain current customer’s needs.
On average, it takes about 66 days for a consumer to completely change their habits, but with quarantine and different phases of opening up for cities, there has been a complete switch in consumer’s behavior patterns.
At this point in time, the general public is trying to avoid public spaces as much as possible, which includes your storefront. This means that the shift to digital has never been more important, but as a business owner, where does the shift begin?
What are some of the top strategies that all businesses should take into consideration to “growth hack” their local SEO strategies?
Update your Google My Business profile
A Google My Business profile is one of the most important aspects of local SEO strategies. This is because these results populate for local search and within the Map Pack of Google.
The Map Pack is where the real local SEO magic starts to happen. For a business to rank in the local Map Pack, this is where they can start to see real growth with qualified organic traffic,leads and sales. This is because those results that show within the first three spots of the Map Pack are deemed relevant, are prominent to many searches and this business is credible in Google’s eyes.
Include updated local building citations
Google My Business is a perfect example of what a local citation is for local SEO purposes. A local citation as defined from WhiteSpark is, “any mention of your business on the web; it is any combination of your company name, phone number, address, zip or postal code, and website address. Citations in SEO are a key factor in improving your local search results.”
Anything that is referred to as your “NAP” would need to be mentioned in local citations. A great place to start is with something like Yelp. Yelp’s local results populate with local search queries within Google.
Another local citation is through any local media presence or even reviews that tell Google and others the range of information from the phone number to the physical street address.
Again, this is all in an effort to continue to create trust with Google!
Hire us
For businesses who are getting their feet off the ground with SEO strategies or are searching for a new Dallas SEO consultant, we are here to help! Our creative management firm understands why local SEO is so important to your business and creates a tailored SEO strategy based around your budget and goals!
Posted In: SEO and Search Marketing, Business