Facebook Five update: What does this change?

While there is always something in the works on Facebook and new features are constantly being updated and added, it can be marketers or companies' worst nightmare! The Facebook five updates are short of anything of a favorite from marketers and there are a slew of updates that have happened since COVID-19 started this year.
Because the platform changes so often, and with Facebook providing little details on their updates, it can be hard to constantly keep up-to-date.
Here are the latest updates and how to continue fb marketing efforts even with these drastic changes for some updates.
Facebook Groups
Facebook Groups is nothing new on the social media platform, but this is the year of groups on Facebook! This is because groups are getting priority on a consumer’s Facebook feed and Facebook is in the midst of working on sponsored content within a Facebook Group!
This means that fb marketing in the Facebook five updates should include a company or their marketing members to constantly update and add to Facebook Groups!
A company can even create their own Facebook group to help promote their products and services. The importance of groups is because they are a private or public group that updates, chats and engages with one another regarding based on personal or professional interests and understandings.
With that in mind, and COVID-19 continuing to cancel events, the next big step that will be prioritized is online events!
Online events
With the pandemic continuing in the United States, it is important that companies remain connected to their consumers and Facebook can make a bit of money! Companies will be able to sell their event tickets, promote online events, virtual events and stream online fitness classes!
As of now, Facebook is not putting a fee or claiming a percentage of anything that is made with the latest features now available for events, but as we all know with fb marketing, this could all change.
Facebook Messengers takes over Instagram Messages
After Facebook bought Instagram, the changes were almost immediate with some of Instagram features. The thing with this update is that it makes it a bit easier and seamless to answer direct messages on Facebook and Instagram since they both go to Facebook Messenger now!
The downside with the Facebook five updates is that the messages do not always show on Facebook Messenger the correct way which can be a glitch.
Election ads and posts
In an effort to stop confusion with voters, the last week of the presidential campaign political, social or electoral ads will be stopped and not able to run. All of these advertisements can be run until Oct. 27 without any issues, but will not be able to change their audience or other targeting features.
Over 1,000 removed targeting options on ads
In an effort to “simplify and streamline” their targeting options, one of the largest and possibly hardest Facebook five marketing updates is the targeting options on their advertisements.
In the last two years, Facebook has removed over 1,000 targeting options, and while some were very necessary, others make it challenging for the Housing, Employment and Special ad categories.
Updates to Customer List, Self-serve ads and Commercial terms
This is another update to Facebook’s advertising section which went into effect on Aug. 31, 2020. When it comes to Customer List Custom Audience Terms, Facebook has recently updated its features. For more information, read here. For information regarding the latest self-serve ad changes, read here. For the commercial terms and products, read here.
When it comes to anything regarding advertising updates, it is imperative that a company understands the latest updates to not get their company page or business manager disabled. With Facebook not updating information as frequently as we would like, it is important to keep up-to-date with an agency!
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