Why C-Suite company executives need to support SEO

SEO is considered to be one of the most critical elements to business executives when it comes to increasing traffic. Developing and implementing a successful executive SEO support strategy needs to be prioritized. Investing in a professional C-suite SEO strategy, developed by a Dallas SEO agency, will help to identify weak points in the current SEO strategy.
What is SEO?
There are many different expertise levels when it comes to SEO. A C-suite SEO experience may be different from the next, but it is important that you understand what SEO is and how it will help your company in the long run.
SEO is an acronym and it stands for Search Engine Optimization. Search Engine Optimization is the work behind a website ranking in Yahoo, Google or other common search engines. Once SEO is implemented, this strategy helps a company’s website rank overtime.
A Dallas SEO agency will frequently speak about Google’s search engine specifically.
This is because Google is the largest search engine on the Internet with over 63,000 searches per second. Search engines are the answer machines. With over 63,000 search queries per second, one can only imagine the amount of searches per day.
How does a Dallas SEO agency understand SEO and what your target audience would be? This is a process of learning in-depth about the company, target audience, market research and so many other meetings. The biggest notion is keywords. What are people searching in order to find your company?
These keywords that a consumer types into a search query box is the number one strategy in SEO to implement. Where does your business rank in the search results compared to your competitors? This is critical to understand what competition is ranking for and what your company should be ranking for.
Why is it important?
Social media is free to sign-up for, email marketing is a great strategy, paid ads are even better but SEO is one of the best strategies because without SEO, a website will never rank. SEO strategies have the ability to bring in 20 times more traffic and lead opportunities than only using paid advertisements on both mobile and desktops.
Implementing a well-developed and thorough SEO strategy should never get put on the back burner. There is a significant value of C-suite SEO strategy that can propel your company forward. Proper strategies can bring in more qualified leads, increase your brand exposure and allow you to gauge where your competition falls.
A website and SEO audit
At the beginning of the audit, a Dallas SEO agency will ask about your overall goals and strategy that has been discussed internally. This will help the SEO experts to understand the strategies that should be set in place, along with the optimal strategies that should be used for specific campaigns and marketing efforts. Without goals set in place internally, this can complicate the overall ROI when it comes to marketing efforts.
The next step will be to have our development team and SEO experts work together to complete a full audit on your current website, weak spots, content opportunities and ranking opportunities. Once these opportunities show, this is where the team will come back with how to optimize these pages with several different SEO strategies from content to paid advertisements.
Don’t be afraid of change
Once the audit is complete, an SEO expert will sit down with all internal persons and/ or groups to discuss the recommended changes. Once these changes have been discussed, it is imperative to let the experts do what they are good at.
SEO is a difficult subject to navigate due to its ever-changing industry and updates; on the other hand, there are so many different strategies that could all lead to one outcome. The biggest notion for C-suite executives to understand with SEO is that goals need to be clear, consistent and allow the experts to handle the process.
Without allowing the changes to be made on the website, the goals and ROI that need to be produced can falter. While change can be difficult, change with SEO will only help the company at the end of the day.
When it comes to C-suite SEO strategy implementation and development, there are a myriad of different components that can help you propel a company. However, SEO is not one size fits all. A dedicated team of professionals can help you sift through which strategies will work best for your executive SEO support strategy.
For more information on a SEO strategy for a corporation and company, please contact our professionals.
Posted In: SEO and Search Marketing