What are the best web development agencies for startups?

Texas is no stranger to the startup industry! The Lone Star state is home to 2.7 million small businesses which help to employ over 4.7 million people. The unemployment rate is one of the lowest in the United States which can be contributed to the access to capital the state has for small businesses, startups and entrepreneurs.
With this in mind, any startup that is ready to raise capital and start their journey needs to consider a number of elements including a website.
What are the best web development agencies for startups? One that can provide a startup with the best website, SEO and even a mobile app like our Dallas web development agency.
A customized website
A website is the very first impression of a startup. A terrible WordPress template is not going to cut it when a startup has plans on growing and expanding their business every month! Yes, WordPress is mobile friendly, but only if the template allows for it. A startup should find a Dallas web development agency that can provide them with a customized website from the initial design to the final coding!
Our motto at Dallas Media Group is, “custom, quality software design is our game and Dallas Media Group is our name.” Yup, we are really that nerdy. The best web development agencies in the area should be able to provide a startup with a website that works within their budget and provides all the check marks on their list. Now, a startup might have to adjust the list a bit, but an agency should be able to handle this!
Quality code
Any web development agencies out there should provide quality code for a website, but the harsh reality is, that is not always the case in the industry! While we provide quality code, we also provide HTML 5 standards. Not sure what HTML5 is? Give this video a watch:
While our company provides custom websites, we also can provide customized code. What does it mean when we say “quality and custom code”? We provide custom widgets, templates and code because all of our websites can be customized to fit a client’s specific needs and wants.
Our lead developer explains it as such, “It is not amateur hour over here. We have a system in place and can fix bugs before the website ever launches. Basically, the day the website launches should be the best day ever.”
Content Management Systems (CMS)
Where will all the leads and sales that are coming to the website be managed? A Content Management System (CMS) is a software application or set of related programs that are used to create and manage any type of content. It can hold emails, contact us forms, success forms or any other content. The point of a CMS is to hold the most important information, and for a majority of companies that is their sales and leads.
It is imperative that a startup finds the best website and CMS system that easily integrate with one another. Not all systems like to work together.
This is how a startup can start to find who the best web development agencies are for them! Get the most bang for your buck with a Dallas web development agency that provides everything all in house and has the ability to customize all your website needs!
Posted In: Website Development