Tips for using your Instagram story

Over this past year, did you spend more time perfecting your Instagram/ Facebook story or your post? It’s okay to admit that you have spent more time on your story, they have been one of the biggest trends over the past couple of years. Instagram stories started in 2016 and continue to grow to 500 million daily active users.
If you are new to the social media world, the digital marketing agency Dallas TX experts will explain what Instagram stories are, why companies should be using stories and how to create a story to grab the attention of your viewers.
What is an Instagram Story?
Have you ever wanted to give your friends a quick life update rather than a whole paragraph? That’s exactly why stories began, to allow users to share parts of their day quick and easy. It can either be a video, picture or series of pictures that stay visible for 24 hours. Anyone who has access to your account can view your story.
If you really love your story, it doesn’t have to disappear in 24 hours, you can save it to your profile under “Highlights.” One cool aspect is that you can piece together a couple of your stories and have them in one highlight. For example, if you are a business you can have highlights of new products and consumers can look at it whenever they want!
Should companies use Instagram Stories?
The digital marketing agency Dallas TX experts say; yes, yes and yes! One-third of the most viewed stories are from companies! Instagram has one billion active users and it is showing no signs of slowing down.
A quarter of millennials and Gen Z Instagram users go to Instagram Stories to learn about brands and products. Storytelling is a part of social media which is why it is important to implement it to your strategy.
How to use Instagram Stories to engage with customers?
Kill two birds with one stone! Did you know that when you are posting to your Instagram Story there is an option to have it posted to your Facebook as well? You can reach your customers on both platforms with one click of a button.
1. Be creative! When you are creating your story there are fun font options, colors, music, stickers and more.
2. A common trend for Instagram Stories is to tell a story. You are using digital marketing to connect with your customers and telling them a story allows you to build a bond. 92 percent of consumers want ads to tell them a story.
3. As you begin your journey on Instagram, be mindful of social media etiquette. Communication is key; interact with your followers, respond to comments and get rid of automated DMs when you gain a follower.
4. One way to bring more followers is by using hashtags, and on Instagram our experts recommend that it should be in the range of nine to 15 at minimum!
5. Remember that business is business, leave your personal information off of your company page. Oversharing is real! It may even decrease your engagement, so be sure you have a plan for your posts!
If all of this seems overwhelming, call the digital marketing agency Dallas TX experts at Dallas Media Group! Contact us today and see how Instagram Stories will make a difference for your business and all other social media needs!
We can create a digital markeitng strategy that implements IG stories!
Call the leading digital marketing agency Dallas TX for help!
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