SEO acronyms- PART 1: What the most common SEO jargon means!

A recent study by Digital Information World (DIW) shows that most business owners are familiar with common SEO phrases, but for the most part, still do not understand the acronyms or jargon that a Dallas SEO Consultant would use in meetings. Don’t worry, our experts often find themselves using this jargon or simply negating it from most meetings! However, our spreadsheets are a different story!
The research study shows that basic jargon and acronyms are understood such as SEO or keywords, but on the other hand, the more unknown ones such as BA, DA or ALT are still unclear to the general public and business owners!
Now, for business owners who are utilizing a Dallas SEO consultant might be excluded from this list because they have professionals at their disposal. However, it is important to still understand when your agency says to you, “We are going to need to use a Can tag on this specific page.”
So, here are the top SEO acronyms that our experts at Dallas Media Group would utilize, and you can always check out this list of the other 190!
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
This was one of the most commonly known acronyms that business owners and nonbusiness owners understood in the research study above. As SEO experts, we really hope that this is the most commonly understood because it is the acronym for the entire marketing strategy! All others will fall under this category because that is the strategy behind it all!
If you are unsure, SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. SEO is the organic technical on-page and off-page optimization of a website to help it rank in search engines such as Google and Bing! This means that for a website to rank in Google, a company has to make sure their website is optimized for search engines. This is done with keywords which is the next one on our list!
Keywords (KW)
KW stands for Keywords in our next SEO jargon list! Keywords are simply the phrases that a consumer types into a search engine. If the consumer is searching for blue suede shoes, then the keyword phrase will be “blue suede shoes for sale” or it could be simply “blue suede shoes.” It is not enough for a company to simply search for common phrases and add them to their website. This is because there are a range of keywords that should be researched and compiled together to provide the best SEO strategy for a company.
Domain Authority (DA)
DA is known as Domain Authority. This is the guesstimate of the authority of a website in search engines. The DA score ranges from one to 100 with one being a brand new website with no authority in Google to 100 being a high authority website. A website that is closer to 100 can easily find themselves ranking for blogs and content faster than a website with a DA of 10 or even 20. This is because the website is credible in that search engine’s eyes.
Those keywords we spoke about above that need to be researched and compiled into different categories are important and correlate with a DA score. If a website has a lower DA score, then keywords with higher competitiveness are going to be more difficult to grab, on the other hand, keywords with lower competitiveness will be better for that website who have a lower DA! This is because those keywords are simply a bit easier because not everyone is trying to use those keywords.
Bounce Rate (BR)
A BA is a Bounce Rate that refers to the company’s website. The bounce rate is a single page session on a website. If a consumer stays on said page for a shorter amount of time, the Bounce Rate will be higher. If a consumer stays on said page for a longer amount of time, the bounce rate will be lower.
A client often checks their Google Analytics account and sees a high BR and starts to get concerned. “But, the bounce rate is high, is our website even effective?” Yes, it is! This is dependent on a number of factors, but does not mean the website is ineffective!
ALT (Alternative text)
ALT Text is known as Alternative Text on a website. This stands for several different SEO strategies that happen on the back end of the website for optimization strategies! Alt text is the written copy that appears in place of an image on a website. The Alt text explains what the image is. This is important for SEO ranking, but at the same time, is important and one of the main elements needed for an accessible website set in place by the American Disability Association (ADA).
The ALT text simply describes the image with keyword phrases set in place, but this is how an image can rank in search engines.
Those are some of the most basic acronyms and jargon that our Dallas SEO consultant will use during meetings and throughout the course of the SEO process!
For help with technical on-page and off-page SEO strategies, give our experts a call today!
Posted In: SEO and Search Marketing, Client Resources