Marketing during a pandemic- What is the next step?

Everything a brand does including publishes online, it is all about the context of what is being published and said on the Internet. There is no doubt that 2020 has been quite the year so far and we still have a couple of months left to go. Dallas Media Group is a creative agency Dallas that provides digital marketing strategies, and during a global pandemic, the marketing strategies and their context have dramatically shifted.
A meme that was once funny and clever could now easily be taken differently and it is just about timing. With this in mind, when it comes to current campaigns and ideas, it is important to shift the context to what is currently happening.
Marketing during a pandemic is not a small task and marketers have their hands full, but it is important to “read the room” and understand what consumers are searching for. Now is not the time to be ambiguous with marketing strategies, be straightforward and honest.
Research shows that marketing efforts have continued to increase even during this pandemic. This is because consumers are online more than ever before and companies are running to the digital spaces to grab those consumers. Since February of this year, there has been an 11 percent increase in marketing budgets.
With an increase in marketing budgets and a sudden switch in campaigns, it is important to understand what to do next. Is there one single answer that is the best- absolutely not. However, some guidance could make all the difference.
Here are some of our suggestions to marketing during a pandemic.
1. Communication is key!
Ah, communication. We understand that this seems to be a buzzword of this pandemic because it is what everyone is speaking about in so many different ways. There is communication between agencies and their clients, remote workers and their leaderships and businesses to their potential customers.
During this time, it might seem as if there is nothing good to say. What do you really say to a customer who might have lost their job and are dealing with tough life decisions right now? Communicate with them and relate to them. A great notion is to understand empathy with marketing during a pandemic. Acknowledge that this pandemic is stressful in your company’s own way while still relating to your audience. At the same time, do not minimize anyone’s struggle or emotions. Be transparent, discuss changes and be open to engagement with your audience.
2. Evaluate language and context
There is no question that visual and copy is critical to a digital marketing strategy that is set in place by an internal team or creative agency Dallas! It is important to think about transparency and that empathy we spoke about above and go beyond this to create a campaign that others care about.
Why not show your local support and show your team ordering take-out from local places. Why not do a small percentage off your products and/or services for those who are interested in them. Write copy and content that relates to your industry, but also relates to the consumer. It can all be done, it just takes a shift in language and perception.
What was once a funny joke or a great campaign could be insensitive to your audience and the things that are happening in the world right now. Remember to go back to the drawing board often.
3. Cater to needs
This is the moment to stop and really consider, “what does my audience need right now?” What are vital pieces of content and information that would be valuable to their lives or companies at this point.
What are your fears as a business owner? Could this help others in your industry or in general? What about supply chain management for e-commerce websites? All of it matters if your target audience is going to be worried about it. It is natural for us to worry, but also important to know we are not alone.
Remember- what you publish matters and it's important to publish relevant information and conversations. The next step is to brainstorm a new plan and ways to provide your products and services without playing on fear.
Posted In: Social Media and Digital Marketing, COVID-19 Resources